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Our Vision: Cherish Everyone, Flourish Together, Serve Others

At Newnham St Peter’s, we believe that every child and adult in our school should be able to experience life in all its fullness now and aspire to a fulfilling future. Our vision—Cherish Everyone, Flourish Together, Serve Others—guides our approach to spirituality, shaping our school ethos, curriculum, and daily life.

Our Approach to Spirituality

To talk about spirituality in schools may be challenging. Essentially, it is to talk about something which is beyond words. 
This language of spirituality begins from the Christian understanding that everyone is a valued creation, individually and uniquely made by God, like pots made by a potter (Isaiah 64:8). Yet in life things happen that impact on the physical ‘pot’ of life and create cracks that provide a glimpse of ‘something’ beyond the tangible. Christians would view this as an opportunity to relate to the Divine Creator God.

  • Cracks may happen when something challenging happens and threatens the comforts of everyday – the ‘ows’ of life.
  • Cracks may be caused when something so good and breath-taking happens that the pot expands causing cracks – the ‘wows’ of life.
  • Cracks can also occur in the stillness and ordinariness of everyday – the ‘nows’ of life, when a moment of stillness, a pause or prayer can create a crack in the normal, physical every day.

Kintsugi, the Japanese art of mending broken ceramics with golden joinery, makes something broken into something differently beautiful and even more valuable. Using this metaphor, the ows, wows and nows of life offer the possibility of becoming cracks that are filled with gold, adding significance and value to life.

Spirituality at Newnham St Peter’s C of E Primary School is about fostering curiosity, reflection, and a deep sense of belonging. We use the WOW, OW, NOW framework from the Diocese of Gloucester to guide spiritual development:

  • WOW: Encouraging awe and wonder in learning and life experiences.

  • OW: Recognising struggles and challenges, developing resilience and empathy.

  • NOW: Reflecting on how we apply learning and experiences to our daily lives.

We believe spirituality is for all, not just within religious education, but across the curriculum and school life. We provide opportunities for children and staff to reflect, question, and grow in their understanding of themselves, others, and the wider world.

Our Definition of Spirituality

At Newnham St Peter’s, spirituality is:

  • Exploring fundamental questions about meaning, purpose, and identity.

  • Developing an awareness of something greater beyond the everyday.

  • Finding joy and beauty in life, relationships, and the natural world.

  • Building resilience, perseverance, and compassion through life’s challenges.

Spiritual development happens in many ways, both planned and spontaneous.

Planned Opportunities for Spiritual Development

We create structured opportunities for spiritual growth through:

  • Collective Worship, reflection & meditation – Daily moments for prayer, quiet thought, and discussion.

  • Collective Worship – Held in school and church, and in partnership with the wider church community, providing planned spiritual development for all, our staff, parents and families.

  • Curriculum links – Encouraging deep thinking and discussion in RE, PSHE, and beyond.

  • Visits & Experiences – Trips to places of worship, historical sites, and nature to inspire awe, with time to take in and reflect on surroundings.

  • Outdoor learning – Forest School and nature experiences fostering a connection with creation.

  • Celebrating together – Whole-school events that nurture belonging and shared joy.

  • Discussion and reflection in lessons – Encouraging thoughtful conversations across the curriculum, with the creation of the right atmosphere to promote this.

  • Mindfulness, quiet moments & meditation – Breathing exercises and calming techniques within classrooms.

  • Recognising and celebrating achievements – Headteacher's certificates, Star of the Week, Value awards.

  • Diversity celebrations – School events that showcase different cultures and traditions.

  • Whole-school charity events – Encouraging children to contribute and understand their impact of how we, as a school community, can make a difference.

  • Reflection on behaviour and its impact – A key part of our positive behaviour policy is to give the time and space given to children to reflect on their behaviour and its impact on others - being Ready, being Respectful, being Safe.

  • Outdoor learning and nature experiences – Engaging with the natural world to encourage curiosity and appreciation.

  • Opportunities to experience new things and go to new places – ‘try something new’, our trips, our regular time spent experiencing nature in our Forset School.

  • Music and art appreciation – Encouraging reflection through listening to music and viewing artwork.

  • Shared experiences – Singing, performing, and celebrating together as a community.

Spontaneous Opportunities for Spiritual Development

We recognise that some of the most powerful moments of spiritual growth happen unexpectedly. Examples include:

  • A child’s sense of wonder at a science experiment or a beautiful sunrise.

  • The kindness shown by children supporting one another in difficult moments.

  • A sense of community and joy when singing together in assembly.

  • Reflection and gratitude following a moment of silence or prayer.

  • Spontaneous class discussions about emotions, nature, or personal experiences.

  • Unexpected weather events like snow, leading to team-building and joy.

  • A moment of appreciation for a piece of music, an artwork, or a shared experience.

  • Welcoming a baby in any of our families.

  • Children sharing memories and thoughts about loved ones who have passed away.

Embedding Spirituality in School Life

All staff contribute to creating an environment where spiritual growth is valued. Teachers plan for reflection, discussion, and meaningful experiences across subjects. Our collective worship, pastoral support, and daily interactions help nurture each child’s spiritual development.