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Vision & Values

Cherish Everyone, Flourish Together, Serve Others

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

At Newnham St Peter’s Church of England Primary School, our vision, "cherish everyone, flourish together, and serve others," is deeply rooted in the essence of love, faith, and hope. Inspired by the boundless love of our faith, we cherish every child, nurturing their unique gifts and building a community where all can flourish. Together, we learn, grow, and explore, our roots grounded in faith and our branches reaching for the stars. Through service to others, we share the fruits of our blessings, reflecting the divine light in every act of kindness.

Rooted in the teachings of Jesus, love is woven into the fabric of our school's identity, influencing every aspect of our mission to ignite a passion for learning and personal growth, empowering students to embrace challenges, pursue excellence, and realise their dreams with unwavering determination.

The timeless Christian value of love serves as the compass that directs our decisions, shapes our curriculum and our pastoral care practices, and inspires our community engagement efforts.

We are committed to cultivating an inclusive and compassionate educational environment where love is the cornerstone, nurturing the growth, character, and success of every individual.

Cherish Everyone through the Love that Nurtures

Rooted in the teachings of Jesus, love is the cornerstone of our school's identity. Love influences every aspect of our mission, igniting a passion for learning and personal growth. We are committed to creating a nurturing atmosphere where every child, adult, and staff member feels valued and supported. By promoting open dialogue, valuing differing perspectives, and fostering an atmosphere of acceptance, we create an inclusive community where each member is cherished. We prioritise the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual well-being of each individual, encouraging curiosity, exploration, and self-discovery. This environment allows children to explore their faith journey, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of Christian values.

Flourish Together with the Hope that Empowers

Our school community thrives when we work in harmony, just as a garden flourishes when tended to collectively. We believe in the power of unity, collaboration, and mutual support. Hope empowers our students with a sense of optimism and resilience. Through a dynamic curriculum, innovative teaching methods, and a commitment to continuous improvement, we equip our pupils with the skills and confidence to navigate an ever-changing world. By encouraging teamwork, celebrating shared achievements, and providing opportunities for collaborative learning, we enable every individual to reach their full potential.

Serve Others with the Faith that Inspires

Guided by Christian faith, we recognise the importance of selfless service to others and the necessity of enabling our children to be global citizens aware of their impact on the earth. Faith inspires our children to channel their talents, skills, and compassion toward making a positive impact on society and caring for the planet. Through acts of service and community engagement, we put our love into action, extending a helping hand to those in need and making a positive impact in the world. Our pupils are empowered to carry the value of love beyond our walls, becoming compassionate leaders and ambassadors of goodwill.

Core Values

At Newnham St Peter's, everything we do reflects our core values. These values define what we believe in, what we think is important, the kind of people we want to be, and the kind of world we aspire to create and live in. Our school vision, "Cherish Everyone, Flourish Together, Serve Others," is underpinned by the following values that help us develop moral and spiritual awareness:

  • Hope
  • Friendship
  • Respect
  • Perseverance
  • Forgiveness
  • Thankfulness

Each value has a particular focus during the year, and they are continually promoted and taught throughout.


In a changing world, we teach our pupils that God gives us hope, instilling confidence in the future.

"All you who put your hope in the Lord be strong and brave." Psalm 31:24

True hope is more than a general idea that things will get better; it is a firm assurance that God can be relied upon and that His promises can be trusted. Hope is not always easy. Alongside trusting God, we must develop our own commitment and determination. Hope generates energy and supports us through difficult times.


We encourage our children to form meaningful and supportive friendships. "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (Proverbs 17:17) Friendship involves loyalty, understanding, and a willingness to support each other through thick and thin.

In a world where relationships are vital, we encourage our children to form meaningful and supportive friendships.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17

Friendship is more than just being nice to each other. It involves loyalty, understanding, and a willingness to support each other through thick and thin. We teach our pupils the value of genuine friendship, helping them to build relationships that will last a lifetime.


In a diverse world, we teach our children to show respect for themselves, others, and the environment.

"Treat others the way you want to be treated." Matthew 7:12

Respect is about recognising the inherent value in every person and treating them with dignity and kindness. We encourage our pupils to be respectful in their interactions, fostering an inclusive and harmonious school environment.


In a competitive world, we provide our children with exciting learning experiences and teach them the importance of working hard and having faith in their own abilities.

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Perseverance means recognising that life is sometimes challenging and painful and that it is essential not to give up in times of difficulty. We endure setbacks by developing self-control and determination through God’s love, mercy, faithfulness, and righteousness, which last forever.


In a turbulent world, we give our pupils a deep understanding of God’s love and forgiveness and of our responsibility to forgive others.

"Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others." Matthew 6:14-15

Jesus commanded us to forgive and keep on forgiving without limit (Matthew 18:21). Asking for forgiveness means more than simply saying “Sorry”; it involves treating what we have done wrong seriously and having a deep desire not to repeat it. True forgiveness is healing for both the person who is forgiven and the person who forgives.


In a world of inequalities, we teach our children to rejoice in their blessings and bring hope to those who have less.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

Thankfulness has always been at the heart of the life and worship of God’s people. It is a wholehearted response, a joyfulness that erupts into praise. We give thankfulness to God for his creation, which is a gift to us rather than a right. The greatest act of worship is thanksgiving for the death and resurrection of Jesus and the way of forgiveness that is opened up.

Living Our Vision & Values

Cherish Everyone: We are committed to cherishing everyone in our school community, recognising the unique value of each individual. This includes our dedication to supporting and nurturing all pupils, creating a caring and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued.

Flourish Together: Our vision to flourish together is evident in our collaborative approach to education and community engagement. We strive to ensure every child achieves their fullest potential through a supportive and enriching learning environment.

Serve Others: Serving others is at the heart of our school’s ethos. We encourage our pupils to look beyond themselves and contribute positively to the community.

Through these initiatives and our commitment to our values, we aim to nurture well-rounded individuals who are prepared to make a positive impact in the world.

Pastoral Care and Mental Health Support We prioritise the well-being of our pupils through comprehensive pastoral care and mental health support. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that every child feels safe, supported, and valued, helping them navigate challenges and thrive in their educational journey.

Sporting Events and Trips Our school organises numerous sporting events and educational trips that provide our pupils with opportunities to develop their physical skills, teamwork, and love for learning. These activities are designed to inspire confidence and resilience.

Responsibility Groups Our pupils have the opportunity to take on leadership roles and responsibilities through various groups, such as the Eco Team, School Council, Librarians, and Sports Leaders. These roles help develop a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and community involvement.

Ambitious Curriculum Our curriculum is ambitious and designed to challenge and support our pupils in achieving their fullest potential. We provide a broad and balanced education that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning.

Environmental Awareness We are committed to raising environmental awareness among our pupils. Each class participated in Earth Hour and engaged in activities to promote sustainability and care for our planet. Our dedication to environmental stewardship is also reflected in our success in the Nature Quiz, where our Year 6 team advanced to the finals.

Spirituality and Collective Worship Spirituality is an integral part of our school life. Our collective worship sessions and religious education provide pupils with the opportunity to explore their own beliefs and values, understand different faiths, and develop a sense of spiritual awareness.

Celebration Worship: In celebration worship on Fridays, two children from each class are rewarded for showing & living our school vision and values during the week, with a certificate sent home to recognise their achievements.

Environmental Awareness: We raise environmental awareness among our pupils. Each class participated in Earth Hour and engaged in activities to promote sustainability and care for our planet.

Church Service: Our school has strong links to St Peter’s Church, situated a short walk away in the village. Monthly services at St Peter’s Church and special services during Christian festivals foster a strong sense of community and spiritual growth.

School Logo: The school logo depicts the church together with the symbols of crossed keys (Peter's symbol) and a fish (a symbol used for Jesus Christ in the early church).